Weather Photography

<p>In this gallery, I will display some of my weather-related photography. I am not a professional photographer by any means, but I do love to capture beautiful snowscapes, thunderstorms, lightning, and rare phenomena such as the cumulus funnel and dust storm.</p>
Crepuscular rays (sunset) created by towering cumulus over 100 miles to the west).
Crepuscular rays (sunset) created by towering cumulus over 100 miles to the west).
Beautiful Texas sunset.
Beautiful Texas sunset.
ACCAS clouds in the morning on a spring day are often a sign of an unstable airmass. ACCAS stands for AltoCumulus CAStellanus and are mid-level clouds (roughly 8 to 12 thousand feet).
ACCAS clouds in the morning on a spring day are often a sign of an unstable airmass. ACCAS stands for AltoCumulus CAStellanus and are mid-level clouds (roughly 8 to 12 thousand feet).
Fair-weather cumulus funnel. I see these quite often when conditions are favorable.
Fair-weather cumulus funnel. I see these quite often when conditions are favorable.
Snow Virga
Snow virga over N. Texas. Virga is precipitation that evaporates (liquid) or sublimates (ice) before reaching the ground. This was the birth of infamous "snow jam '14" in Birmingham/Atlanta.
Historic snowstorm in North Texas on 2/12/2010. DFW recorded its greatest 24-hour snowfall of all time (12.5").
Historic snowstorm in North Texas on 2/12/2010. DFW recorded its greatest 24-hour snowfall of all time (12.5").

In this gallery, I will display some of my weather-related photography.  I am not a professional photographer by any means, but I do love to capture beautiful snowscapes, thunderstorms, lightning, and rare phenomena such as the cumulus funnel and dust storm.