Lightning Stats for Injuries & Fatalities since 1940

Since the 1940s, the annual number of fatalities from lightning has been decreasing. In 1940, lightning was the #1 weather-related killer. In 2023, the National Weather Service reported only 14 lightning-related fatalities. This downward trend highlights improved safety awareness and underscores the importance of seeking shelter during thunderstorms. How many people were killed by lightning … Read more

Hurricane Survival: Supplies and a Plan of Action

Hurricane Readiness

Hurricane season starts on June 1st and runs through November 30.  This time frame was created based on long-term statistics, but hurricanes can certainly occur outside of this range.  In January 2016, for example, Hurricane Alex became the strongest Atlantic hurricane to occur during the northern hemispheric winter. So, irrespective of the date, take some … Read more

2024 Tropical Storm and Hurricane Names

Did you know your next big storm might be called “Hurricane Chris” or “Tropical Storm Patty”? Hurricane names aren’t just random – they follow a carefully planned system designed to make communication about these dangerous storms easier. For example, it’s much simpler for meteorologists and newscasters to say “Hurricane Hector” rather than trying to remember … Read more

How Many Days Until Fall 2024?

Fall 2024 Begins: Sunday, September 22 at 8:44 am EDT   Fall 2024 in the United States will officially begin on Sunday, September 22, at different times depending on the time zone: Eastern Time: 8:44 AM EDT Central Time: 7:44 AM CST Mountain Time: 6:44 AM MDT Pacific Time: 5:44 AM PDT The autumnal equinox, … Read more

100 years later, daylight saving time (DST) is still a thing

'Daylight Saving' postcard (1918)

Daylight saving time (DST) A Few Interesting Facts and Myths About Daylight Saving Time 1. Terminology: Daylight saving time, not “savings”. 2. Bottling daylight most of the year. In the United States, we spend about 65% of the year (~238 days) in daylight saving time. 3. Two states do not observe DST: Hawaii and Arizona, … Read more

When does DST return to standard time in 2024?

DST ends and clocks return to standard time (“fall back”) at 2:00 AM on Sunday, November 3, 2024. States that do not observe the time change: Arizona (except for the Navajo Nation) and Hawaii. How did DST get started? We have compiled an brief, but very interesting, history of daylight saving time When does DST … Read more

Texas Rainfall Amounts 24 to 72 Hours

Severe Weather Map | Dallas Forecast Texas Mesonet data for 24 to 72 hour precipitation: Texas rainfall maps for 24 to 72 hours are a valuable tool for anyone who wants to stay informed about upcoming weather conditions and make informed decisions about their activities. Areas in Texas with the Most Rain: Areas in Texas … Read more

How far away from a thunderstorm can lightning strike?

While injury from lightning strikes has increased since 1940, fatalities have decreased dramatically. In fact, lightning deaths have become exceedingly rare relative to other weather phenomena, but they still occur. The most dangerous lightning strikes are those that occur when our guard is down; lightning strikes from a sky that appears to be clear and … Read more

How Many Days Until Spring 2024?

2024 Spring Equinox Tuesday, March 19, at 11:06 P.M. EDT So how many days are left until Spring? Spring 2024 Begins In When is the first day of spring 2024? Spring starts on Tuesday, March 19, 2024. The last day of spring is Thursday, June 20, 2024. What is the first full day of spring … Read more

Are You Ready for the Next Big Storm? This Could Save You

States with Severe Weather Preparedness Sales Tax Holidays Important Notes: Alabama Does It Right: Demand a Tax Break for Disaster Supplies Alabama’s got the right idea with their annual Severe Weather Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday. It’s time for other states, especially those prone to tornadoes, hurricanes, and floods, to follow suit! Imagine stocking up on … Read more

Are You Financially Prepared for a Catastrophic Weather Event?

Disasters can strike anybody at anytime, resulting in catastrophic property damage and loss. Fires in dwellings and natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, severe storms, mudslides, and wildfires cause significant property damage every year across the United States. Although disasters usually strike without warning, there are measures you can take both before and after … Read more

How to Get Flood Insurance – Purchasing the Best Flood Coverage

Flood Insurance

What is Flood Insurance? Because standard homeowners insurance doesn’t cover damage from flooding, you will need to purchase a separate flood insurance policy to obtain coverage for your home and its contents. Fortunately, flood insurance is widely available from insurance companies that participate in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), a partnership between the Federal … Read more

Disaster Loans for Weather Disaster Recovery

The United States government is working in collaboration with local communities to provide expeditious financial assistance to victims of weather disasters in support of damage recovery.  Financial aid is provided through a variety of means including disaster loans, grants, and casualty tax deductions for losses resulting from the destruction of property or unexpected calamities, such … Read more

How to recognize, prevent, and treat hypothermia

How to Recognize, Treat and Avoid Hypothermia It’s a fact of life that our kids still have to stand in the bitterly cold temperatures while they wait for their bus.  Fortunately, they aren’t exposed to the cold for too long; assuming the bus driver is on time, they will soon be on the warm bus … Read more

Days Until Winter 2024 Countdown

2024 Winter Solstice Thursday, December 21 at 10:57 am EST How many days until winter? Winter 2023 Begins In The winter solstice, or December solstice, will be Saturday, Dec. 21, 2024, marking the first day of winter. In the Northern Hemisphere, winter generally begins on December 21 or 22. This is the winter solstice, the day … Read more

What to Do When Your Dog Is Afraid of Thunderstorms

Like humans, our pets can have phobias, such a stress-inducing fear of loud noises, fireworks, and thunderstorms.  As a pet-owner, you have an awareness of your dog’s mood and her behavior likely alerts you to an approaching thunderstorm, even before you hear the first clap of thunder.  She may cry or whimper, tremble, or scurry … Read more

February 2018 was the Wettest on Record at DFW (Dallas/Fort Worth)

Radar-estimated rainfall totals for Dallas Fort Worth on February 28, 2018 showing swath of 2 to 5 inches of rain

…Daily rainfall record shattered at DFW on the 28th… …Also the most rainfall ever recorded on ANY day in February… …February 2018 is now the wettest on record for DFW… A heavy rain event on the last day of the month pushed monthly rainfall totals to record levels at DFW Airport in the Dallas/Fort Worth … Read more

Widespread frost and freeze expected across North Texas Friday Night

frost and freezing temperatures likely over much of North Texas this upcoming Friday night (10/27/17).

Dallas/Fort Worth/North Texas Forecast Summary [Wednesday 10/25] ➤ As I discussed in my previous DFW forecast posted on Monday, the coldest air so far this season will overspread North Texas on Friday. ➤ Temperatures will be in the upper 80s to near 90º tomorrow (Thursday, October 26) thanks to downslope/compressional warming with southwest winds. ➤ … Read more

Dallas Texas Coldest airmass so far this season this Friday

Forecast temperature anomaly for Saturday morning October 28, 2017

Forecast Discussion for DFW/North Texas [Posted on Monday 10/23/17] …Coolest air so far this season arrives Friday… ➤ Following highs in the low-mid 80s today, a weak cold front tonight will bring temperatures back down to seasonal levels tomorrow and Wednesday. ➤ A bit warmer on Thursday, ahead of the next cold front, with temperatures … Read more

Use Solar Panels to Power your Home and Cut Energy Costs

Going solar lets you slash heating bills, reduce your home’s carbon footprint, and embrace a green lifestyle. Installing solar panels can give you energy independence. However, you can still “go solar” and reduce heating bills without investing a fortune in expensive solar panels. Every unit of electricity you save is a unit you effectively generate. … Read more

ThunderShirt for Storm Anxiety in Dogs – Review

Do you have a dog that is terrified of loud noises such as thunder or fireworks? It can be devastating to watch as your dog shakes uncontrollably, pants, and paces every time a storm approaches or during Independence Day celebrations. Not too much is known as to why some dogs have a phobia of loud … Read more

When does the time change? DST in 2024

Daylight saving time (DST) begins:  Sunday, March 12th, 2023. When will DST end (return to standard time)? 2024 Countdown to Spring A few interesting DST tidbits Brief history of daylight saving time What is the Annual Duration of Daylight Saving Time? Answer: We spend 65% of the year, or 238 days, in DST. The longest … Read more

Weather disasters hit the poor the hardest

Whether a natural disaster arrives in the form of an earthquake, tsunami, tornado, or hurricane, it is almost guaranteed that the poor will suffer from the aftereffects of the incident much more than wealthier individuals. This is due in part to the fact that individuals living in poverty often lack the resources that would help … Read more

Beware of Snow Hype & Weather Hoaxes on Social Media

Beware of weather hype this winter. Know your weather source.

It’s that time of year… Winter. The season when those unrealistic snow and ice accumulation maps, for an unlikely event 10 days into the future, that often go viral on social media. So, I wanted to briefly discuss the nature of internet weather hype and how you can learn to recognize it. As the National … Read more

Where is Hurricane Matthew headed?

Important Update #1 [Monday 10/3 at 3 pm EDT] Since this page was created 8 hours ago, new model data have continued to trend the track of Hurricane Matthew westward, closer to the eastern Florida coast, tracking northeast along the coasts of Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina.  If future data continue to show this … Read more

Category 5 hurricanes in the Atlantic Basin: Interesting statistics

This page provides some basic, but very interesting statistics about category 5 hurricanes in the Atlantic basin since 1851.  Category 5 storms are extremely rare.  In fact, for the Atlantic Basin (including the Gulf of Mexico and Carribbean Sea) only 34* category 5 storms (~4% of all hurricanes) are found in the historical record.  In … Read more